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Thursday, November 6, 2014

Sketchbook skool - week 4

Jean-Christophe gave us two assignments. One was to draw a contour figure based on a photo from a magazine and use only black to add some volume. Basically, a two-value study. I used images from a newspaper and I also did some variations. 

The second assignment was to draw a book cover. I did not have a lot of tim.e, but I wanted to give it a try anyway. I used guache to add some color, and it turned out to be a bad idea because the colors I have are not great ...I loved the exercise though and I will keep it mind for the future.
On another note, this blog is in total dissaray. I contemplated the idea or reorganizing the labels but that would prove to be quite time consuming. I am also entertaining the idea of starting another blog as a continuation of this one and plan it better. Not sure I will have time to do this either ...