I then tried to paint a face in my altered book using the pastels diluted with linseed oil. This worked better, but the color was too transparent, almost the consistency of a glaze just oily. I do not have skin colors, so I used pink instead. Maybe next time add just enough oil to make a paste and not a glaze. One the first layer dried, I applied a bit of regular oil paints from the tube to add more color. The reason why I liked oil was the thickness of the paint and the fact that I could see the brush strokes and knife imprints. I suppose it could be an option to use my old paints in this manner, but not on paper of course, if I can patiently wait 24 hours before I can correct a mistake.
I also tried a quick oil pastles sketch of an older face using regular student grade pastels this time. Hmmm .....I guess that says it all. I am not crazy about the result. I guess I will stick to trying my hand at painting young faces for now.
Here is the spread from the book: