Monday, January 4, 2010
Guerilla Journal
Few weeks back, I contemplated the idea of making a scraps journal. You know, fabric scraps, paper scraps sawn together. The problem? No sawing machine. OK, that is not entirely true. I have a sawing machine, except that it does not work. Or not always. So what?! Since when am I allowing such a small detail derail my plans? Sawing by hand I will! Yeah ... I put together the cover using leftovers from an old pair of jeans and other scraps of fabric. Entirely by hand. Then, I thought to give the sawing machine a last chance before disposing of it at the Salvation Army. Lo and behold, it worked! I guess the prospect of ending up in foreign hands scared it...So it happily hummed its way through sawing 18 pages of scrap paper. I was planning to have three signatures of six pages until I realized that the back of the sawn pages will need some more painting, decorating and such. Which means more time to prep the pages and more chances that I will never finish them. To prevent this from happening, I sawn the pages back to back and I ended up with a signature of about 10 pages. Voila...
