Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Frankestein in action

I got the painting bug. House painting that is. So I went to Home Depot to pick some paint chips. Once I got home, I separated them in two piles: "not a chance" and "maybe". I then decided to paint something on one of the discarde ones. I started with this:

I applied a blot of watercolor and switched the paper around. It takes a while to dry because the paint chip is shiny, so there is some time to play around. From there I got here:
Frankestein in action - not sure what this is really. Flying elephant? Monkey? Worm?

I glued some paper on the back and painted a light coat of gesso:
I even made an envelope for it from a magazine page:

Kinda cute ....they could be made into mini-journals, thank-you notes, invitation and so on ...